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volcanogenic strata bound massive sulphides

(PDF) Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits
2005/1/1 V olcanogenic massive sulfide deposits are strata-bound ac- cumulations of sulfide minerals that precipitated at or near the sea floor in spatial, temporal, and genetic association with
Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits One Hundredth
2005/1/1 Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits (VMS) are grouped into five lithostratigraphic types, using sequence boundaries defined by major time-stratigraphic
Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides SpringerLink
Where Do Vms Deposits form?The Composition of Vms DepositsThe Size of Vms DepositsVolcanogenic massive sulfide deposits on the seafloor can range from several meters up to 100 s of meters in diameter. The size of a deposit is controlled by a combination of the length of time for which the hydrothermal system is active, the total flux of hydrothermal vent fluids through the system, the concentration of metals and sulfur in the fl...
Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in China; setting, feature,
1999/10/1 Volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits, an important base-metal deposit type in China, occur widely in submarine volcanic districts of variable magmatic
Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits - ResearchGate
2013/11/1 The stratiform or strata-bound accumulation of metals and sulfides in ancient seafloor has contributed to the formation of volcanic-hosted massive sulfide
Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits of the
24. World map showing the distribution of volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit subtypes..... 26 Tables 1. Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit subtypes mentioned in
A thematic issue on the geological setting and genesis of
2011/7/10 Volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits are strata-bound accumulations of sulfide minerals that precipitated at or near the sea floor in spatial,
A thematic issue on the geological setting and genesis of
Volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits are strata-bound accumulations of sulfide minerals that precipitat-ed at or near the sea floor in spatial, temporal and in many cases
Volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits are also known as volcanic-associated, volcanic-hosted, and vol-cano-sedimentary-hosted massive sulphide deposits. They ...
Massive sulfide deposits - Wikipedia
This limit was kept in a comprehensive definition of 1981: "Massive sulfide deposits are strata-bound and in part stratiform accumulations of sulfide minerals which are
(PDF) Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits
Replacement of volcanic and sedimentary strata by sulphide typically occurs within the feeder zones beneath the exhalative mineralization. However, successions with abundant porous, permeable and/or reactive
The setting, style, and role of magmatism in the formation of ...
2011/7/1 Volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits are hosted by volcanosedimentary successions at or near the seafloor and can comprise concordant massive sulfide (>60 % sulfide minerals) mineralization ...
The comparison of strata-bound massive sulfide deposits
The Zlaté Hory ore deposits — as an example of volcanogenic, strata-bound, massive, base-metal sulfides occurring in the Devonian formations of the Jeseníky Mts. — are compared with distinctive Phanerozoic types representing this type of ore deposit, i.e., with Kuroko-type, Rosebery-type, Besshi-type and Cyprus-type deposits. The results of
Volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits, also known as volcanic-associated, volcanic-hosted, and volcano-sedimentary-hosted massive sulphide deposits, are major sources of Zn, Cu, Pb, Ag, and Au, and significant sources for Co, Sn, Se, Mn, Cd, In, Bi, Te, Ga, and Ge. They typically occur as lenses of polymetallic massive sulphide that form
Mineral deposits in western Saudi Arabia; a preliminary report
Strata-bound massive sulfide deposits containing copper, zinc, and nickel sulfides associated with pyrite and pyrrhotite in complexly deformed volcanic rocks in Saudi Arabia have been the subject of controversy. They are considered by some geologists to be of syngenetic or volcanogenic origin, and by others to be epigenetic.
Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in China; setting, feature,
1999/10/1 Volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits, an important base-metal deposit type in China, occur widely in submarine volcanic districts of variable magmatic affinities. ... Seven representative deposit styles have been recognized: sheets, sheet plus strata-bound stringer, cyclically zoned deposits, mounds, mound-like deposits, strata
黒鉱鉱床の概要 - J-STAGE
Abstract: Kuroko deposits have been traditionally defined by volcanogenic, strata-bound, massive sulfide and sulfate deposits in submarine environment. Recently, it is suggested to include the following term in the definition: relating to bi-modal volcanism in back-arc tectonic setting. The deposits are essentially composed of zonal massive ...
Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits One Hundredth
2005/1/1 Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits (VMS) are grouped into five lithostratigraphic types, using sequence boundaries defined by major time-stratigraphic breaks, faults, or major (subvolcanic) intrusions: (1) bimodalmafic settings (e.g., Noranda, Urals) occur in incipient-rifted suprasubduction oceanic arcs, typified by flows and <25
Wadi Bidah Mineral District, Saudi Arabia volcanogenic
bound volcanogenic Cu–Zn–(Pb) ± Au-bearing massive sulphide deposits and associated zones of hydrothermal alteration. Here, we use major and trace element analyses of massive sulphides,
Massive Sulfide - an overview ScienceDirect Topics
2012/3/3 Volcanogenic massive sulfide and volcanic-hosted massive sulfide. VMS and VHMS type of ore deposits contribute a significant source of Cu–Zn–Pb sulfide±Au and Ag, formed as a result of volcanic-associated hydrothermal events under submarine environments at or near the seafloor. ... Mineralization consists of strata
Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides SpringerLink
2014/12/20 Volcanogenic massive sulfide formation is linked to circulation of hydrothermal vent fluids through oceanic crust at volcanically active areas on the seafloor. Large deposits typically consist of a consolidated basal mound of massive sulfide, overlain by hydrothermal crusts, sulfide talus from collapsed black and white smoker chimneys,
Early Proterozoic volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in
1994/8/1 Theodore A. DeMatties; Early Proterozoic volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in Wisconsin; an overview. Economic Geology 1994;; 89 (5): 1122–1151. doi: ... syngenetic and epigenetic strata-bound to stratiform massive sulfide mineralization within, along the flanks of, or near the top of the felsic volcanic centers, (2) syngenetic strata ...
A thematic issue on the geological setting and genesis of
Volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits are strata-bound accumulations of sulfide minerals that precipitat-ed at or near the sea floor in spatial, temporal and in many cases genetic association with volcanism. VMS deposits
A thematic issue on the geological setting and genesis of volcanogenic
2011/7/10 Volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits are strata-bound accumulations of sulfide minerals that precipitated at or near the sea floor in spatial, temporal and in many cases genetic association with volcanism. VMS deposits occur in rocks of Archaean to Recent age and are also actively forming at present-day
Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides SpringerLink
2014/12/20 Volcanogenic massive sulfide formation is linked to circulation of hydrothermal vent fluids through oceanic crust at volcanically active areas on the seafloor. Large deposits typically consist of a consolidated basal mound of massive sulfide, overlain by hydrothermal crusts, sulfide talus from collapsed black and white smoker chimneys,
Early Proterozoic volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in
1994/8/1 Theodore A. DeMatties; Early Proterozoic volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in Wisconsin; an overview. Economic Geology 1994;; 89 (5): 1122–1151. doi: ... syngenetic and epigenetic strata-bound to stratiform massive sulfide mineralization within, along the flanks of, or near the top of the felsic volcanic centers, (2) syngenetic strata ...
A thematic issue on the geological setting and genesis of
Volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits are strata-bound accumulations of sulfide minerals that precipitat-ed at or near the sea floor in spatial, temporal and in many cases genetic association with volcanism. VMS deposits
A thematic issue on the geological setting and genesis of volcanogenic
2011/7/10 Volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits are strata-bound accumulations of sulfide minerals that precipitated at or near the sea floor in spatial, temporal and in many cases genetic association with volcanism. VMS deposits occur in rocks of Archaean to Recent age and are also actively forming at present-day
Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) Deposits » Geology Science
2023/4/23 Volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits are a type of mineral deposit that forms on or below the seafloor as a result of volcanic and hydrothermal activity. They are typically composed of metal sulfide minerals such as copper, zinc, lead, gold, and silver, and can also contain significant amounts of iron, sulfur, and other elements. VMS
Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide–Oxide Gold Deposits of the
2016/6/22 The 0.85#8211;0.55#160;Ga Arabian-Nubian Shield of northeast Africa comprises an assemblage of volcanic arc and sub-arc strata that are fertile for volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) and overlying oxide gold deposits. At least fifty VMS deposits are known in the...
(PDF) Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide– Oxide Gold
2016/6/15 The 0.85–0.55 Ga Arabian - Nubian Shield of northeast Africa comprises an assemblage of volcanic arc and sub-arc strata that are fertile for volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) and overlying ...
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Chapter 5 – PRECAMBRIAN, STRATA-BOUND, MASSIVE Cu–Zn–Pb SULFIDE ORES OF NORTH AMERICA" by D. Sangster et al.
Geological and geophysical characteristics of massive sulphide deposits ...
2016/8/1 Sea water is thought to be the major source of sulphur for the volcanogenic massive sulphides. Such deposits are also referred to as volcanic associated, ... This would suggest that the dip of the conductive bodies conform to that of the exposed rocks implying strata-bound conductors. Download: Download high-res image (616KB)
(PDF) Volcanic-associated massive sulfide deposits: Processes
1998/12/31 strata-bound and stratiform ore deposits, II: Regional studies and spe- ... The Hamama prospect comprises polymetallic bimodal-mafic-type volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits, particularly ...
Syngenesis and Epigenesis in Strata-Bound ... - Semantic Scholar
Strata-bound deposits of base metals dominate the Proterozoic of India. The Pb-Zn mineralization in carbonate host rocks preserves better the original sedimentary characteristics, while, in most of the copper and copper-lead-zinc mineralization areas, textural evidence in schistose rocks of calcopelitic composition and meta-volcanics
Metavolcanic host rocks, mineralization, and gossans of the
The Wadi Bidah Mineral District of Saudi Arabia contains more than 16 small outcropping strata-bound volcanogenic Cu–Zn–(Pb) ± Au-bearing massive sulphide deposits and associated zones of hydrothermal alteration. Here, we use major and trace element analyses of massive sulphides,
Exploration Practice for Strata-Bound Volcanogenic Sulphide
The time- and strata-bound volcanogenic sulphide deposits of the Paleozoic Spanish-Portuguese Pyrite Belt have been the object of intensive exploration activities during the past 20 years. As a result of these efforts, some 500 million t of new ore reserves were delineated, of which some 180 million t were pure geological and geophysical discoveries.
Sulfur isotope characteristics of metamorphosed Zn–Cu volcanogenic
Zn- and Cu-rich massive sulfide ores of volcanogenic origin [volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits] occur as stratiform/stratabound lenses of variable size hosted by gneisses, amphibolites, and schists of the Areachap Group, in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. The Areachap Group represents the highly deformed and
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